be better!

we should all fight to be better
to live better,
to conquer evil and carry joy with us every day,
we should fight together to live forever.

inspiration music to go with my  "be better" theme .

- a small clip from the movie "August Rush", I strongly recomand you should watch the movie.
- the song "all i need" ,  sung by the contestants of the swedish idol.
- the song "let it be", a cover sung by Kris allen.

- "Heal the world" written by michael jackson. a version sung on his memorial service. pure genius if you ask me.
- and also "all be there" by mariah carey. love it.

I GUESS WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY IS. let's all heal our wounded world.


It's when we all agree to fight hunger, death, sickness, violence, united togher, thats when we'll conquer those things that makes us unhappy.


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